Apparel Section

What services we offer …


  • Management Consulting
  • Manufacturing
  • Quality control AQL Standard
  • QC control from finish to start with (CID )Certificate of Dispatch
  • FOB
  • CMP
  • Out-Sourcing
  • Small Quantity placement
  • Factory assessment
  • Research
  • Market Study
  • Digital Marketing
  • Agent
  • Website Design
  • Website training
  • Website maintenance
  • Team building workshops help to increase team spirit, motivation and productivity
  • Stress management

We aim to create a harmonious relationship between buyer and supplier, to ensure for both the growth in Quality and Quantity.

The Textile -Manufacturing market is changing at a constant pace.

Innovation and flexible change are vital Factors to guarantee survival in this market now.

We are specialised in the Apparel Market. With a team of more than 100 years experience all together we are one of the leading companies with in-depth knowledge in the market of fabrics, fashion, design and innovation. We are your eyes on the market, even if you are not there.

If you are interested in one of our services please contact us through below contact form or just sent us an email

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